Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Little About Me and My Blog

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Hello readers!

If you are reading this you are likely broke. Hmmm excuse me, I mean on a budget just like me.

My name is Samantha and I am currently a third year law student. Whether you are in college, grad school, law school, or you graduated and are seeking employment, I bet there is a four letter word that is always on your mind. It's a word we say under our breath and dream about at night. It is the word nightmares are made of....I am talking about DEBT. Ugh, just writing it makes me anxious. I think about it all the time (those law school loans are rough) but in order to pay them off I need a job.

At school we are constantly told how important it is to dress professionally. Well, thanks for the advice, I get it, and I think that looking the part goes a long way in terms of being taken seriously in the work place, but how am I supposed to afford this "professional" clothes they keep referring to? We are told to "network" (another word that sends shivers down my spine) and take every opportunity that comes our way, and I have. The problem is, most opportunities which are building blocks for my future entail working for free. Yes, free, as in I am going to drive to your office, pay for parking every day, work 9-5, and get paid with a check made payable to "Intern" in the amount of "Experience". Now, don't get me wrong internships are amazing and I have had incredible experiences in the past couple of years. I know that hard work pays off and I am eternally grateful every time I am offered an internship but dressing like an attorney on a student budget is frustrating at times... until I decided to make it a challenge.

So what if you are broke? You won't be for long! Tell the Universe I am rich, I am beautiful, I have style and class, I am woman, hear me roar!! Okay, okay, I got a little carried away there but you catch my drift. With this blog I will demonstrate my tips on how to look like a young professional for a fraction of the price. No need for frumpy black suits that cost a fortune or to look like the girl who walked into the office after an all-nighter at the club.

Follow my posts as I show how to dress professionally when you are young, broke, and working for free :)
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