Monday, April 21, 2014

How Social Media is Crushing Goals

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Hello ladies (and gentlemen, if you are reading this, thanks for the visit), today my post won't be about clothing (although I have a great one coming, just wait for it :)).

I wanted to take a second to talk about goals. In a world where social media rules, I don't think enough people are reaching high enough in some important aspects of life. Not enough people are realizing their potential, because reality is skewed by followers, likes, shares, and double taps on Instagram. Now don't get me wrong, social media is great I just think we have to be careful. As I scroll through my Instagram feed and Facebook wall I realize my "friends" (whatever that means on the internet) are divided. There are those who inspire me, the men and women who are studying, traveling, spending time with family and friends, living full happy lives, and then there are  those who choose to post half naked pictures or talk about how high they are getting. Sure, that sexy booty shot got you 110 likes but so what? Unless you are a legitimate model (which in that case, more power to you),  is that picture going to get you employed, are those who double tap that image going to pay your bills, reach out to you when you are in need, or give you a double tap on the back when you do something good for yourself?

Your self worth and confidence should not be tied to social media. There is a certain happiness that can only be achieved when you realize you have done something you never thought you could, when you struggled to get a project done and you finally finish, when your blood, sweat and tears actually mean something. Ladies, GOALS ARE SEXY! Having a plan and making things happen for yourself, being the master of your own life is a beautiful thing that those important people around you will appreciate and admire.

When you are out looking for a job and the employer asks what type of person you are, why they should hire you, what will you say? "I take selfies like a champ!". Will you give your boss a list of your Twitter followers as references? (maybe they know you better than anyone else).

I guess my point in writing this post is that I believe in our generation, I believe that it is filled with hard working, smart people and we shouldn't let that go to waste by not realizing our potential. I'm not saying someone can't post 10 selfies a day and still be a thriving, successful person, I just think it is important for us to know that success and happiness should not be tied to the response we get. I read a story about a boy who attempted suicide because he couldn't take the perfect selfie and I don't know if it was a hoax or not but either way, it got me thinking about the value we place on what our "followers" think of us. Who we are is not measured by our social media presence. You are defined by the work you do, by the kind act you did when no one was watching, by the love you share with those around you, the smile you gave the stranger on the bus, by the advice you gave a friend in need.

There is no edit button or filter feature on real life. We make mistakes, we don't always look good or feel great and that's okay. Just don't settle. Be proud of what you did today and know that you can do even better tomorrow :)

Thanks for reading! Until next time :)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Skinny Dress Pants: Fashion Do or Don't?

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Hello my beautiful professional readers! 

Recently, I had to attend an Entertainment and Sports Law Symposium that I helped organize. As I was searching my closet and trying out outfits, I realized that my black dress pants were too big and needed to be replaced. I thought, it's just black dress pants, I will be in and out of the store in no time! EH! Wrong! Apparently boot cut or slightly flared, good old professional slacks are a rarity. First I went to TJ Maxx and realized all the pants were skinny so I moved on to another one of my favorite stores, Marshalls, and it became clear that skinny pants are "in". Running low on time and funds (as usual), I decided to give them a try and ended up buying the ones pictured below. I am torn however, as to how appropriate and professional these pants really are. I am all for new, young, hip looks (that's what this blog is all about), but I also think it is important to keep things professional because I rather my employer recognize my work ethic and smarts than my fashion sense (or lack thereof if they are not a fan of the skinny pant).

In the end, I was comfortable with the outfit and I didn't feel out of place at all surrounded by well dressed attorneys. Overall, I would say go ahead and rock the skinny dress pants as long as you tone down your outfit. Make sure you are wearing close-toed shoes and a jacket (especially if you are working in a corporate office). I would also suggest shoes with a pointed toe, it creates an illusion (especially for shorties like me) that the leg is longer.

Outfit above: Shoes and Jacket (previously featured), Top: Marshalls $14.99, Pants: Marshalls $16.99
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Above is an example of how you can take the outfit from the office to happy hour or a dinner date by just having an extra pair of heels in your car.

So, what do you think of the skinny pant for work? Professional or better left at home during the work week?

Thanks for reading and remember, you can look like a million bucks without blowing your budget!